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Spanish pure breed Lladró Porcelain 01002007



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Introducing the Spanish pure breed Lladró Porcelain 01002007, a masterpiece by Lladro. This exquisite sculpture from the HIGH PORCELAIN collection showcases the elegance and beauty of the Spanish horse, inspired by the renowned Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre. With meticulous attention to detail, this limited edition piece features ornate decorations in gold lustre on the bridle, chest, saddle, and blanket. Crafted with precision, the bits and stirrups are made of brass with a gold finish, while the reins and stirrup leathers are made of genuine leather. The stunning blue and gold harnesses beautifully contrast with the pure white skin of this magnificent Spanish breed. Standing at 44cm tall and measuring 50cm in width and 20cm in length, this collectible is a true representation

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Weight 10000
Height (cm) 44
Width (cm) 50
Length (cm) 20
Weight (g) 10000
Base Included No
Limited Serie Yes
Limited Serie Units 500


Spanish pure breed Lladró Porcelain 01002007 by Lladro

Main Features:

- Collection: HIGH PORCELAIN
- Weight: 10000g
- Height (cm): 44
- Width (cm): 50
- Length (cm): 20
- Base Included: No
- Limited Serie: Yes
- Limited Serie Units: 500


Fielmente inspirado en los ejemplares de la Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre, Caballo español representa a una de las razas más prestigiosas y admiradas del mundo de la equitación. La elegancia, nobleza y belleza de estos caballos se muestra en esta escultura de serie limitada con gran precisión anatómica y engalanada con un extraordinario trabajo de ornamentación. La cabezada, el pecho, la silla de montar y la manta están ricamente decorados con lustre dorado, mientras que los bocados y los estribos están elaborados en latón con baño de oro y una de las riendas y las estriberas son de piel natural. El intenso azul y el oro protagonizan la exquisita decoración de los arneses, en contraste con la blancura de la piel de este magnífico ejemplar que, mientras ejecuta con naturalidad un paso de exhibición, muestra toda la elegancia de la pura raza española.

Why Choose:

Indulge in the exquisite beauty of the Spanish pure breed Lladró Porcelain 01002007 by Lladro. This limited edition sculpture captures the elegance, nobility, and beauty of the Spanish horse, inspired by the renowned Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre. With meticulous anatomical precision and stunning ornamentation, this piece showcases the richly decorated bridle, chest, saddle, and blanket adorned with golden lustre. The bits and stirrups are crafted in brass with a gold finish, while one of the reins and stirrups are made of natural leather. The intense blue and gold decoration of the harnesses beautifully contrasts with the pure white skin of this magnificent specimen. As it gracefully performs an exhibition step, it embodies the true elegance of the Spanish pure breed.

Choose the Spanish pure breed Lladró Porcelain 01002007 to add a touch of sophistication and beauty to your collection. Limited to only 500 units, this masterpiece is a testament to the prestige and admiration associated with the world of equestrianism.